The 80/20 Rule – Or Some Days Are Just Sh*t

When I awoke this morning, I immediately felt a sense of misalignment. My brain was telling me what a bad day it would be while simultaneously emitting a black fog that seemed to be weaving its way throughout the rest of my body.

The primary temptation was to sleep away these feelings, but I chose to do something differently.

Why don’t we learn how to soothe our own emotions?

It isn’t easy to practice a skill you never learned, and most of us were not taught how to self-soothe as children. When feeling overwhelmed, you were most likely told that “you’re too sensitive” or “you shouldn’t react in that way.” 

I recall when I started school and would cry every morning when my mum left me. Interestingly, there is only one reaction I remember, and that was when my teacher lost her patience and shouted at me to stop crying. 

These experiences lead us to believe that negative emotions are a bad thing, and if we display them, we will be punished in some form or another.

Carrying this into adulthood, we begin to avoid negative emotion, thinking that the cure is to sideline the feeling until it disappears.

Avoidance is not the cure.

I spent five years trying to avoid emotions, waking up in the morning feeling hopelessly despairing and sleeping through the day to make it stop. People use all manner of things from alcohol to drugs, sleep, sex, and gambling. We alleviate our feelings by distracting ourselves from them. The problem is as soon as our triggers arise, we’re back in the same place we began, and our issues remain unresolved.

The answer is to accept how we feel and learn to soothe ourselves.

This morning I repeated the mantra,

 “I am here. I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe. You will be okay.” 
Woman, Hug, Self Hug, Hygge, Cozy, Warm, Self-Love

It may sound silly, but I promise that it will change your life if you learn to love and take care of yourself. And reciting a mantra such as this can be extremely powerful when you find yourself in a challenging headspace.

Negative emotions serve just as important a function as positive ones. Picture it like this: a negative emotion is just a chunk of energy that has become stuck, resulting in spiritual misalignment. To free that energy, we first need to acknowledge it, and when we recognize it, we realize it’s not as bad as we thought.

By practicing this alternative reaction, you will begin to feel safer, and the response to your triggers will become less each time.

Wood, Boards, Pleasure, Self-Consciousness, Self, Love
Just Do It. 
Engage In The Behaviour That Is The Most Effective Not The Easiest.

One of the reasons I felt so miserable this morning was that my sleep had been filled with nightmares where all those closest to me were angry, and we were fighting and arguing. Dreams are a different experience for each individual, but mine carry a lot of weight and deeply affect my morning headspace. 

I accepted that I felt this way and thought about how to alleviate the disconnected feeling. I messaged my sister and five of my good friends – some of whom I haven’t spoken to in ages – these conversations were filled with positive stories and good news, which for me was a little ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day.

The misaligned feeling has been with me all day today; I’ve never felt quite right. But I’ve meditated, created content for my clients that I am proud of, and played piano. If I hadn’t acknowledged that I was feeling rubbish, I wouldn’t have achieved half of this.

Extend A Sense Of Connection To Others

They’re referred to as NPCs in the gaming world – non-playing characters – but how often are we beginning to treat the community around us like a haze of irrelevant scenery? Our online world is not conducive for spiritual growth, nor is a society in which we are put into roles that don’t necessarily allow us to live as the person we are.

Spend time every day meditating or praying. Get to know yourself, who you are, and what you want.

Acknowledge your feelings, be they good or bad.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself and others.

Remember, every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.

The Pursuit of Happiness Pt3

The Truth Shall Set Others Free

Everybody lies. Though we are quick to reprimand liars, we ourselves are guilty of it every day. We lie about the mistakes we have made because we cannot face the guilt and shame caused by our actions. We lie about our level of care for things or people, and how impacting an interaction with a stranger or the ending of a poignant movie is on our day. We lie about how scared we are, we lie about our sexual fantasies, we lie about what we do and do not enjoy, we lie about how much resentment we are holding on to. Why do we do this? Because we are terrified of revealing our true selves. We are terrified of rejection.

By hiding our true selves we create a society in which everyone has to lie to be accepted. How beautiful would it be to liberate ourselves of our burdens; being able to more freely express who we are. Almost every person in existence longs to find someone with whom they can truly be themselves, with whom they can talk about their innermost thoughts, someone who accepts them. We call this person our soulmate. Our obvious longing for which, is portrayed vastly through an array of media from books, to movies, poetry, and art. We are all seeking to be understood.

What if we chose to reveal more of ourselves? If we embraced the universal truth that we are all imperfect. 

We all have thoughts and feelings that deviate from the social “norm,” deep down inside us there is still a lost child longing to be cared for. If we could embrace this truth wholeheartedly we might find the confidence to allow ourselves to be more vulnerable to others. By being vulnerable, we admit our own fallibility, and in turn, those around us can show more of their true selves. 

Flattery Will Get You Nowhere, But Reassurance Will Get You Everywhere

A great tool to encourage others in their path to true self is the one thing we all crave: reassurance. Not to be confused with flattery, which involves lying to people to gain something, reassurance is an expression of warmth and affection intended to relay to its recipient that they are not alone. Their perceived weakness is commonplace. Their struggle has been experienced by many others. Most importantly, they are good enough as they are. They are accepted and loved in this world.

Couple, Romance, Bike, Bicycle, Meadow, Field, Happy

It Was Your Turn To Take Out The Trash!

A key factor of all relationships is arguments. Though the subject matter can be anything from who forgot to take out the trash, to what TV show you should watch, these trivialities are rarely the real cause of dispute. Rather, we argue because we are scared by our level of vulnerability to a person we cannot control. Having put our full trust in another human being, if their actions cause us to feel undervalued, unheard, or abandoned, we are left to dwell on hurt and anger.

Our best defense against this is an open line of communication. By expressing our needs clearly, we alert our partner to the things that truly cause us to hurt. If they love us, they will respect this and endeavor to provide us with comfort and stability in our relationship.

Be A Tourist, Not A Resident.

Feelings of being under-appreciated or not listened to, aren’t the only factors that can lead to a relationship’s termination. The culprit most often responsible is boredom. The boredom often leads us to stray physically or emotionally from our partners. 

Think about the town or city in which you live. You may have resided there for a couple of years, or the vast majority of your life; either way, it has likely lost its novelty to you. You’ve chosen your favorite restaurants, you walk along your regular route several times a week, but the newness has been lost. If you treat your hometown like a tourist instead of a resident you will uncover hidden gems that you didn’t know existed.

The same is true of your partner or spouse.

When we’ve been with someone for a long period of time we assume that we know that person and we lose curiosity of all the things we have yet to discover about them. Next time you crave a little excitement, look closer to home, you may be surprised by what you discover.

Contrary to what you may believe, a little insecurity is good. When people commit to a marriage long term, they can feel comfortable in the knowledge that their partner is there to stay. Whilst this may be a nice feeling, it doesn’t inspire you to grow. To be in a relationship where both parties have to continue to grow to sustain the bond is to be the best version of you; not only for your spouse but for your own self-confidence too.  

I’m Sexy And I Know It

The media may like to portray a vision of sexiness as toned, tanned, taut, and young. So why then, are many of us attracted to older men and women? To people of all shapes and sizes? Why do we choose dad bods over six-packs or cougars over pert young blondes? The answer is that sex is much more than just physical pleasure. Sex is an attempt to connect with another person, utilizing a physical act to quell emotional loneliness.

Therefore, in a sexual partner, we look for someone who can satisfy our need to connect. We want an individual with whom we can remove our armor and be accepted for who we really are; a person in whom we find solace. “Sexiness,” the things that truly turn us on are more likely to be based on psychological factors rather than physical ones: the way a person reacts to a joke, their characteristic movements, their ability to provide comfort simply by being present.

Beauty, Woman, Flower Hat, Cap, Cosmetics, Happiness

Every Day’s A School Day

Spending well over a decade in the education system leaves an imprint that we can carry around for the rest of our lives. School doesn’t just teach us knowledge, but how to think.

As children, we accept that authority figures know best and what they say is correct. Often we carry this into adulthood, and whilst respecting your boss may be a good career move, it’s important to question their actions if their behavior doesn’t align with your values. If you blindly follow in the footsteps of a leader, you simply become one of their flock of sheep.

Whilst a school curriculum is used as a guideline for children’s education, we can grow up with an idea around the “curriculum of life.” The boxes we should tick to pass some sort of imaginary exam that we continue to sit through the rest of our lives.

This can be particularly apparent in those who show “potential.” If you showed promise in school and possessed an ability to learn quickly you were no doubt told in report after report that you had “great potential.” People with this skill may go on to become some of our finest doctors, nurses, teachers, and other skilled professionals, whilst others may not pursue a “career” at all. 

There is no special map of the path you should follow. This is your life and the only right path is the one that you choose, which leads you to feel fulfilled. A great indicator that you need to do something differently is boredom. If boredom becomes a regular feature of your day, you need to assess whether or not the things you are filling your life with have real meaning to you.

How To Live A Longer Life (No Diet Required)

The secret to a longer life is not a diet of quinoa and kale. Sure they may add a few extra years, but they won’t add extra life

Time is a uniquely human concept that we designed to help us linearly process our existence. What is abundantly clear is that time is not even. 5 minutes can feel like a week, whilst 2 years can fly by. Think about how slowly time seemed to go when you were a child. Sure, you’d experienced less of it, but, more than that, your days were filled with new things. It’s these new experiences that slow time down. Habit and routine only blend time and increase its speed. Take notice of the little things, stay curious, seek out new experiences, search for the unfamiliar. Above all, learn to be in the moment because all we truly have is today.

My inspiration for this article was the book A More Exciting Life, from The School of Life. I loved the book and read it cover to cover twice.

The Pursuit of Happiness Pt2

Today I had a mental health assessment update. 

Over the last few weeks:

How often have you been bothered by feeling depressed, irritable, or hopeless?

How often have you felt bad about yourself, or that you are letting your family and friends down?

How often have you been bothered by having little to no energy?

How often have you thought the world would be a better place without you?

My answer to these questions was “not at all”, but rewind a couple of years and it was a very different story.

I know exactly how it feels to sit one of these assessments and feel that every question was written personally for you. To feel depressed, have a negative self-image, a lack of motivation and energy, and incessant anger at yourself for being such a failure. 

It’s a horrible place to be, and incredibly challenging to free yourself from – BUT it is possible.

Today I want to share with you six poignant moments I experienced over the last year that helped me to break free from this negative pattern of thinking. I hope they can bring peace to someone else.

#1 The Experience: I was swamped with the thoughts that were running through my mind. My life had become overwhelming and my focus was insular. I was the one who needed to be looked after, I certainly wasn’t strong enough to support anyone else – until one day I had no choice. My friend was upset and there was no one else around for her to talk to or lean on for support. I was it. For the first time in months, my focus switched to someone else. I wanted to make her feel better, for her not to be upset anymore, and for a while it took my mind away from my problems.

What I learned: We can get stuck in the rut of the labels that we impose on ourselves or that others impose on us. I was a “victim” and the traits I saw in myself aligned with that vision. I was weak, unworthy, powerless. But on that day I became a friend, support: someone who was strong, kind, caring and thought of others. Though it was only a short time, it planted a seed that I could be someone else, someone strong, the woman I wanted to be. 

Additionally: I began to pay more attention to others. Instead of just waiting for my turn to speak in group, I listened to the stories that my peers were sharing. Having previously written them off as inapplicable to me because their circumstances were different, I realized how much I could gain from listening to their insights. When you stop putting yourself (and others) into boxes, you’ll see that we all have much more in common than we realize. Every person that enters your life can teach you something if you take the time to listen.

Girl, Brave, Bravery, Independence, Solo, Believe

#2 The Experience: I participated in a group activity where our facilitator had made a cake for us to enjoy. As we ate, we focused on all the people that we were connected to through that experience: our facilitator who had made the cake for us, the people in the shop who had sold the items to her. The source of those ingredients: the farmers who had worked in the fields to harvest the wheat for the flour, the person who had collected the eggs. The packaging that those foods had used: who designed it, in which country was it produced, who had made it? 

What I learned: You don’t realize the part you play in this world. One seemingly menial task could play a part in making someone’s day a happy one on the other side of the world. We are all connected in ways that we don’t think of or cannot imagine.

#3 The Experience: I was staying at the beach with good friends. One night we had drinks, played a game of Cards Against Humanity and took a 1 am skinny dip on the beach.

In my journal that night I wrote:

It was one of those “bucket list things” and a real experience. I felt so safe and connected to these people. I felt the earth and its elements were alive around me. I felt free.

What I learned: On that night, I felt at one with the universe. Firstly I was connecting to people in a new way; I laid myself bare (literally) before them and I was unafraid to just be me. Secondly, by immersing myself in the natural world I felt connected to something higher. It was a spiritual experience.

Woman, Topless, Beach, Sea, Clear Waters, Black Woman

#4 The Experience: I was part of a team that was connected, inspired, and had fun every day. My journal relays the significant impact this had on my wellbeing: (names have been changed)

Dearest diary, I write to you from a place of happiness & connection that I wish I could bottle and keep forever. I have real friends, I am part of something, and it feels wonderful.

Rachel has been a big part of my life for almost two years now and is someone who is both supportive of me and a role model of the person I would like to be.

Jasmine joining the team has brought a new, vibrant and fun energy to the library. She is an incredible woman who has been something of a rock for me. I can talk to her about anything and I look to her as a role model of strong values and behaviors.

Madeline is a lovely person who is always balanced, full of ideas, and has a real positive energy to be around.

Working predominantly with these three women is a real privilege for me. They empower me, inspire me, and energize me. They show me that I am worth something, they make me excited about life and give me strength. I am super lucky.

8 months later and I was departing this team as things had become fraught and challenging.

What I learned: Things change, that’s pretty much guaranteed. But memories and experiences stay with you forever. I gained friends from that team whom I hope will be in my life for a long time; others I may never have the chance to speak with again. But every person that was a part of that group gave something to me. Life is about learning not to grieve for the loss, but rather, to celebrate the memories, the happy times, the bonds.

#5 The Experience: One day I was feeling particularly rubbish about myself. I’d argued and felt unworthy of anyone’s time and attention. I went to work and sat on the floor by the books, not talking to anyone, shutting myself off from the world. I didn’t feel deserving of anyone’s attention until one of my colleagues approached me. She sat on the floor next to me and showed me some of the beautiful illustrations in one of our picture books. It was one small thing that triggered my whole mindset to change that day and by the time I went home, I felt uplifted and less bogged down in self-hate.

What I learned: You deserve kindness no matter how unworthy you feel. Similarly, you should give kindness no matter how unworthy the recipient is. It may sound cliche but kindness can change the world. One small kind deed can change someone’s whole day.

Friendship, Fun, Backlighting, Together, Characters

#6 The Experience: As a child, the measure of a great party is the number of attendees. You invite the whole class and you want a packed-out room full of screaming friends to run around with. As you grow older, your parties decrease in size and you wonder if your popularity has waned. 

Earlier this year, we organized a midwinter party, and after several people pulled out, we were down to 14 guests. But honestly, it was one of the best parties of my life! I was surrounded by a bunch of genuine, fun, kind, and interesting people. We drank, we played games, we talked, we had a laugh, and at that moment I felt truly connected.

What I learned: Connection is not about the number of people you have in your life. Connection is about finding “your people” The ones with whom you can be yourself, who encourage you to grow, who support you, laugh with you, and who share mutual respect. That is a true connection.

“A good life is a collection of happy moments”

Donna x

The Pursuit of Happiness Pt1

It’s winter. It’s cold. I lost my job. I don’t have a stable income. I’ve faced injustice head on.

And yet, I can honestly say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. 

It’s like I walked a staircase that led me from the trapped and lonely residence I found myself in, and with every step, I got closer to an inner peace that has transformed my life.

One of the most important steps on this journey was to learn the power of not judging. Not judging myself and not judging others.

I’m a perfectionist. Any time I made a mistake it felt like the end of the world, like the curtain had fallen and everyone could see what a failure I was. Every time someone said “no” it was a rejection, confirming the belief that I was not worth other people’s time and attention. I built walls around me for protection. I pushed myself harder and harder to only engage in things I knew I could do well, to try and hide my faults from others and to push people away before they could reject me. It built a spiral of self judgement and loneliness.

“When you replace judgment with curiosity, everything changes.”

Replacing judgment with curiosity is one of the single hardest skills to master. A judgement is anytime you use descriptive language that is not factual. If you spill a drink and say “I’m so stupid” – that’s a judgement. If you look in the mirror and say “I’m ugly” – that’s a judgement. A “hideous” sweater, a “disgusting” cup of coffee, a “mean” woman… they’re all judgements. The first step in building any skill is awareness, become aware of how many times you judge every day. What are the focus of these judgements: are they overly negative? Are they aimed at yourself or others?


When tackling self criticism ask yourself this, “Would I talk to a friend, how I talk to myself?”

How to be curious

  • Even if you don’t believe it, just pretend.
  • Imagine how your life would be if it really was true.
  • Think about it logically. Is it actually possible that you could do this. Not how you feel about it, in factual, scientific terms, is it possible?
  • Realize that you have a lens. One of the best visualisations for this is to imagine a pair of glasses. The way we were brought up, our experiences of life so far, our beliefs, the beliefs that have been imposed on us by the people around us, societal expectations – they all create the glasses that we are wearing, the lens through which we view the world. But a world exists beyond what you see through those. If your glasses were green and everything looked green through them, you would not believe that something could be purple. It’s only when you take the glasses off – remove the lens – that purple becomes real to you.

There were so many things I believed I couldn’t do. Things I believed would tip me over the edge of not being able to cope. I believed in them incredibly strongly, I felt it with every inch of my being. Every time I thought about having to actually face up to one of these things it was like a dark energy passed through my body; the possibility that I would be faced with something I was unable to cope with, and where would that leave me? Until one day someone said to me “The opposite might not be true, but what if it were? Just imagine what your life would be like if the opposite of what you believe was true.”

Say Yes To The Live, Joy, Lust For Life, Frohsinn

That night I went home and when I thought about these impossible challenges, I thought of the women I admire, I thought how they would cope with these things and I pictured myself being one of them. I imagined that I was a strong woman, that I could do this. No darkness swirled through me, only a feeling of strength.

Now I’ll be honest, that feeling was brief, and if you’ve had a lifetime of telling yourself that you’re not strong enough to do things, it will be very difficult to undo that programming. But it’s possible. Keep imaging it. Keep imagining that person you want to be, until one day, I promise you, you will start to believe it.


When we judge others, it is almost always a reflection of our own insecurities. Not so long ago I was in the habit of judging immediately whether a person would like me or not. If I thought they wouldn’t, I rejected them straight away so that there was no chance of me getting hurt.

But picture this-

One day you meet someone new. This person seems – to you – better than you in every way. They are confident, they are smart, they are knowledgeable, they are skilled, they have experience, they have strong values, they are happy with who they are and it shows.

You, on the other hand, feel insecure, you’re not confident, you lack skills and experience, you are lost, you don’t really know yourself, you are weak and you cannot face a person rejecting you.

So you give this person a wide berth, you don’t bother to get to know them, you write them off and go about your business whilst they go about theirs.

But one day this person approaches you and asks if they make you feel uncomfortable. They tell you they can keep a distance if it will make you feel better. 

Your perspective shifts.

You may feel that you’re not noticed, but you are. You exist in this world and you exist in the lives of others.

If you feel worthless, you do not understand the impact your actions can have on others. You made this person feel like they had done something wrong, because you ignored them.

You exist. And you matter.

FACT: People will reject you.

ALSO FACT: If you don’t take a chance and put yourself out there, you will miss out on some of the most rewarding friendships and relationships that life has to offer.

Friendship, Hands, Union, Love, Holding Hands, Loyalty


There is so much information online about how to be happy. Tips and tricks, things you can do to lift and energize yourself. I’ve tried them. They can be great, but often they are temporary. Mindfulness practice, awareness, being content with yourself; these are long term skills. They are difficult, but once you master them they can change your life.

THEN I was alone and too scared of being rejected to put myself out there to people

NOW I have the best partner, family and friends I could wish for. I have some truly amazing people in my life who I deeply appreciate, but I don’t worry about their rejection any more. I am happy with myself, I know I am worthy of other people’s friendship. 

THEN I judged myself harshly for every mistake I made. I constantly felt guilt, I was angry with myself and this caused me to lash out at myself and others.

NOW I accept that I have made (and will continue to make) mistakes because I am human. I choose to learn from my mistakes, rather than to punish myself for them. It means I do not have to be scared of new challenges, I do not have to wear a mask when I am out in the world. I can be myself and I do not have to make excuses for that.

THEN People were uncomfortable around me because they felt like I was judging them, when in reality I was scared of them judging me.

NOW I hope that I empower the people around me. I take more of an interest in people. I am less insular, not everything’s about me, other people are in my periphery too.

Stop judging. Start living.

You will never be able to change anyone other than yourself. Accept that.

We are all fallible. Be at peace with that.

Kindness achieves so much more than judgment does. Be that kindness you wish to see.

Stay happy!

Donna x